how many days do I spend thinking
I’m doing the wrong thing
letting self doubt burn me alive
dousing this fire

why is it when we think of ourselves
we first think of what we are not
how radical would it be if I
kept the flame lit
and let nothing put it out
not even me?


I’ve spent childhood believing
that there’s this idyllic destination
where the people are kind
and the world doles out only
what you can handle
that there’s some supreme being
making decisions that are
what’s best for me

but I’m learning lately that
looking out for yourself
is the only guarantee that you’re cared for
that there are no other more capable hands
to manifest what the future holds for me
than mine.


this much I know is true
you can work hard for the dreams you’ve dreamt
buy fancy clothes, diamond necklaces
host wonderful dinner parties, RSVP only
and still go to bed alone.

if you spend every day in service of a goal
you decide to put nothing else first
find calm in quiet days
with people you love
doing nothing in particular

because remember come morning, even
the richest of the rich
in their lush coats and finest silks
have to change out of their clothes.


I’ve slipped on my shoes and
I’m pushing the front door open
greeted by rich, dense humidity
creating a thin sheer of dew
on my summer’s skin

I’m transported to this time in my life
when togetherness was just a neighbour away
and every problem felt like a big one
I stepped off the porch
the way humid warmth attaches to me
like nostalgia

there’s comfort in the heat
of feeling so uncomfortable
I place one foot out
and then the other

the cicadas so loudly exclaiming
what a relief it is
to live in the past
because at least, you
always know what happens next.


sometimes it feels like
the world is keeping secrets from me
a magical potion everyone is taking
that make them more beautiful, intelligent
than me

some elusive clocking device
the more they hide, the more secure it becomes
I wonder if they confide in each other
their best kept con

I wonder if they think I have one, too


even as it seems
the world falls apart
and there are no good people

I consider how rain feels like
the universe, releasing pressure
and that the sun kisses every surface it finds
and how looking for good things
often manifests them