Being your very best
is always going to be enough.
Home sweet home:
the ceiling of success
doesn’t knock on
your neighbour’s door
to compare Venetian blinds.

May this be the
anthem of your aspiration:
even if your 100% is someone else’s 75%
you’ve still given everything you had
your progress is still valid
and your worth is as never-ending as
scrolling to the bottom of
the highlight reels
of your friends and family.

So set your phone down
forgive yourself,
do your absolute best,
move onto bigger things,
and decide to always be more
than what a screen ascribes
you should be.

31 thoughts on “71

  1. Kyrel Thompson

    “May this be the
    anthem of your aspiration:
    even if your 100% is someone else’s 75%
    you’ve still given everything you had”
    Something we could all do well to remember. Great piece

    Liked by 1 person

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